We are excited to announce a generous supporter of our Veterans Build program, CPA and owner of DJ Stable, Mr. Leonard Green, has agreed to MATCH EVERY DOLLAR donated to our Veterans Build program, up to $3,500.

We have until April 27, 2024, to meet this challenge – will you donate to help us? 

You can donate to gift any of the items we use regularly in our home repair projects or donate any amount you wish. When we reach $3,500 we will have unlocked the match! Thank you for your generosity!

You can honor a veteran and write a message (with or without a photograph) to be displayed on our website, if you wish.  Please email photographs to chowell@habitatmonmouth.org. Visit the Veterans Build Matching Challenge Page to see how the match is going! 

*Only information marked with an asterisk is required, other questions are optional.

Please select one of these amounts or enter an amount of your choosing in "Other".
Veterans Build Matching Donation: Choose your contribution level
To select another amount click none above and enter in your amount below.
Other Amount
Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Your Honoree Information (Optional)
Click the radio button to complete the form that includes the message you would like to appear, if desired.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.
Billing Name and Address